Photographers- A call for submissions

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As many of you know I'm a Flaneur of Urban landscapes.  Usually with a camera in hand I like to hit the streets and observe, explore and create.  In Celebration and in accordance to the Launch of my Urban Retreats "THE ART OF OBSERVING"  On Oct 24th, i'm asking for submissions from my fellow explorers on this theme.  Selected photographs gathered will be exhibited on this day for the workshop and the opening Launch party.  

     I'm asking you!!!!  What is it that captures your interests?  Your observations on how you portrayed a city. What is it that you see!!  Perhaps its the people, the Architecture, the Arts, the shapes, textures, light, shadow, whatever it is that you chosen or will choose to capture, I want to celebrate these expressions.

So Flaneurs,  take to the streets, with a camera in hand . EXPLORE, OBSERVE, CREATE.  

 Basic guidelines for submissions.

There are two options to submit your photo. Pick the best one that works for you. Option 1: Print 8x12 photo and mail / or personally drop off the photo at the address below 

DEADLINE- OCT 19th, 2015

Mail or Drop-off Address: Jennifer Cloutier -. 4152 St Laurent Apt 402 H2W 1Y8 Montreal, Quebec

Option 2: Email me a file to the address below, as well as an e-transfer of $5.00 and I will take care of printing for you! Please size the photo for 8x12, with a 300 DPI, at least 1 to 2mbs


Yoga & Wellness- spring edition


CUBA- Photo’s & paintings