Flaneur creative mindful walk

On May 29 th, I had the opportunity to teach/ guide my first Flaneur creative mindful walks of the season in Montreal. I had an amazing group to guide them through the streets, parks, and alleyways of the plateau. Taking time to slow down and tune in to our senses and observe and explore the landscapes both inward and outward.

We took pauses along the way so I could offer my flaneur tips, mindful practices, and drawing exercises. As well I shared some breathing/meditation tips, and movement practices, and of course we walked and talked and flaneured our way through Montreal’s urban landscape. All the while with the intention to PAY attention to our senses, and how it relates to ourselves, others, and our surroundings.

This was a soft launch to the flaneur way sensory experiences. The official launch will be in Mid-June. I am so excited to not only offer these walks and talks to the community but as well to tourists who would like to come walk and flaneur with me in different neighborhoods in Montreal summer/fall. I will be also offering workshops, retreats ( 1-3day ), online courses, and releasing some new publications that all relate to the senses and the themes of wellness, creativity and exploration.

So stay TUNED, as there is so much more to explore in the journey forward.

Flaneur walks & talks are guide sensory experiences set in urban and forest landscapes, under the themes of creativity, wellness, and exploration. Bringing people together to observe, explore, and create, under the curiosity to learn, connect, and discover themselves, others, and all that surrounds us in our everyday.

Thank you to all my fellow flaneurs who joined me on this Sunday stroll.


SHOSHIN Flaneur walk talk


We are not coming out the same way we arrived